Purely Pampered, under the expert leadership of Nirmal Bassi & Nidhi Mahajan, brings you one of the most soothing, satisfying and incredibly advanced facial, the Dermalux Flex MD, popular in most leading clinics of Canada.
Dermalux Flex MD, is one of the most powerful and effective LED Phototherapy System across the globe. Equipped with a unique innovative tri-wave technology that allows individual, concurrent and sequential wavelength treatments with three lights in blue, red and near infrared shades, it stimulates skin's cellular functions of healing and repair accelerating the process of renewal by nearly 200%. As a result, skin begins to renew itself with collagen and elastin production, reducing inflammation and destroying bacteria. The machine is medically CE Certified to treat Acne, Psoriasis, wound healing and pain relief (muscular skeletal).
Inflammed Skin, After 20 Treatments
Inflammatory Acne, After 16 Treatments
Psoriasis Improvement, After 6 Treatments
Psoriasis Improvement, After 16 Treatments
Wound Healing, After 9 Treatments
Redness Improvement, After 1st Treatments
Inflammed Skin, After 5 Treatments
Wound Healing, After 3 Treatments
Redness Improvement, After 5 Treatments